Tuesday, October 11, 2011

R.I.P for Steve Jobs

Wah…. I had lot of overdue post that I haven’t posted ~ I just back from Langkawi Island a family trip! Don’t worry I will blog about it soon.

From my last blog till today, lots of thing happens around me, you and all of us. The one most sad thing had happen is Steve Jobs passed away. I describe him as a genius I believe every one of you agree with this. Anyone of you doesn’t like Apple products? The answer should be NO. I believe nowadays everyone wish to have at least own of it such at iPhone, iPad, Mac Book, iPod or any of Apple product. Smartphone market nowadays I believe had been conquers by iPhone. iPhone and iPad had bring us a new technologies generation and an innovative ideas.
May Steve Jobs Rest in Peace, you will be missed and never forget for all your brilliant creation.

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