Friday, February 17, 2012

Broga Fish Farm & Sak Dato Temple


Today after lunch, my mum suddenly wanted to go Sek Na To or Sak Dato Temple which located at Broga, Semenyih. Just notice that had been awhile after my last visit there. I think should be around 1yr+ after my last visit and the view is become nicer. They had extend it to the next hill with a big statue of the “God of Monkey” that from far you can see the statue look like on it sky itself. But from the original place you need to walk and climb up to another hill to reach the statue. Is tiring, but worth it because the view from up the hill is nice.
the bridge to get to another hill....

 the view from top.....
After visit the temple, I ask my parent to bring me try the famous BBQ Fish because I never been there before. Since there still have some extra time, so my parents agree to bring me over and had a try. The location is deep inside Broga. Don’t expect with a nice restaurant, it just a small open air restaurant next to a fish farm but it look cleans. You can see lots of fruits tree all along the way in. Lets’ go back to my fish topic. I order 2 types of grill style (Soya Bean & Asam). They wrap the fish with the foil paper and grill with charcoal.

 the menu.... just a A4 size card....

 Talapia fish with Fermeted Soya Bean Sauce Steam

 Talapia fish with Nyonya Sauce Steam


Thursday, February 16, 2012

New Year Eve - 31/12/2011


How did you celebrate your New Year Eve? Me had a simple celebration this year compare with previous years. I already afraid of the traffic jam in town and pack of peoples. So, I decide to celebrate with my beloved family & my cousin family this year somewhere nearby. Before the night arrive I went to Sunway with Daniel to have some window shopping before the night reach, and guess what on the same day “Ah Beng” the movie had their road show there. I receive a gold coin chocolate from “Ah Beng Choi San”. Wao…. “Choi San” give me gold lo…. Hehehe….
"Choi San" with Ah Beng (Jack Lim)

Gold Choco from "Choi San"
The night reach both of my family & my cousin “Jeffery” family went to Restaurant 21st Century located at Bukit Mewah Club, Kajang. At 1st we plan to have dinner there but I got to know that they will go to have a firework on the countdown. That’s exciting….. So my mum suggests us to go for a late dinner so that we can stay longer and wait for the firework show.
Bake Escargot ~ my dinner of the day

 Firework by 21st Century Cafe....
It was just right in front of me. 1st time watch fire so near. 

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Christmas 2011

Hohoho…. I know Christmas had been past…. But now only I had a free time to sit in front of my laptop and start editing all the photo and blogging…. I hope is not that late to start blog about how my Christmas day, New Year Eve, and my New Year day go…. Alright, let start….
15-12-2011 (Thursday) – 1st Pre-Christmas celebration cum Birthday celebration for those falls on December for my office friends. We had some small lucky draw Christmas present and what an early “Lo Sang.”   
 Lucky Christmas Present.....
3 Birthday babes..... Lok, Queenie & Regina
1st Lo Sang before Christmas past and before CNY reach......
My lucky Christmas present
23-12-2011 (Friday) – 2nd Pre-Christmas celebrations in the office. Each of us will get a present within the value range and for the exchange gift section. What else I can say that we had lots of fun and eat a lot. **photo taken by Max**
Our Exchange gift.....
3 cute Japanese in the office...
Merry Christmas.....

24-12-2011 (Saturday) – is the Christmas Eve. I had a Christmas dinner with family at the Restaurant Kaki Corner, Cheras. After the dinner, we went to the “My Fiesta” at Garden Expo, Seri Kembangan. There is a simple count down and there is a floor dance competition as well. The competition is amazing and packs with people. 
 My Fiesta @ Garden Expo, Seri Kembangan.

25-12-2012 (Sunday) – Had a Christmas gathering with my Girl friends group. We had a karaoke section and gift exchange during morning time at Neway,Cheras. After the karaoke section, we went for a quick tea time at Starbuck, Cheras before our movie start. After the movie, we went for a quick dinner at Sakae Sushi,Cheras then we heading for a drink and talk at Overtime, Balakong. We had lots of fun on that day. Been a long time we didn’t had such crazy day together.
Me with girlfriends @ Neway,Cheras
Our Exchange Gift....
@ Overtime, Balakong