Monday, November 19, 2012

A New Beginning.....

Hi!!! I’m back. Been quite some time I didn’t post anything up here. My last post was my birthday treat and is it also delay for almost 6 months. Between this few months a lot of thing had happen. I feel like riding a roller coaster. There is a long story of the whole journey. Not planning to tell this time. Will try to tell the story once I really free.

Lately I attend lots of wedding ceremony and dinner. Everyone is rushing to get married before the dragon year end. As Chinese believe that dragon year is a lucky year. So is better to get married or give birth by this year. I would like to take this opportunity to congrats all the new married couple and the new parents.

I also had made my plan and decision for this year before year end. I choose to resign at last…. I had hard time for me to take this step. I resign before I found new jobs. This is my 1st time resign without new jobs and because of some unhappy reasons. I just could not corporate anymore with such people. I think is time for me leave. So on 31st October, 2012 I had tender my resignation. Guess what…. I feel release after I tender my resignation. Even my friends also had a feeling as mine. They say I look happier and release and at last there is a smile on my face. Pass few months they don’t even see me smile as often as before. The happy go lucky girl gone and now she is back.

Times go by, day by day…. Started to feel hard to leave cause event I’m not happy with some people way of work but there is still others that really help me a lots when I facing problem on work. I really appreciate those that all this while giving me a hand when I face problem related to work and would like to thanks for all the help and advice. I learn a lot from you all. Thanks.
Anyway, wishing me luck for my new life, new journey and new goals. Will try my best to update all the latest place & restaurant I went that I think worth to intro to everyone. Stay tune.